Titles and address: a legal and economic analysis

EHESS - Salle 1  -  190-198, avenue de France  -  75013 Paris
Docteur en économie de l'université de Berkeley et docteur en droit de l'Université de Chicago (1998), Richard Brooks a enseigné à Cornell et Northwestern avant de rejoindre l'Université de Yale, puis, tout récemment, celle de Columbia. Ses intérêts vont de questions de justice criminelle à des sujets à l'interface économie/droit. Il est notamment (co-)auteur de "Saving the neighborhood - Racially restrictive covenants, law and social norms" (Harvard Univ. Press, 2013).


  • Richard Brooks, (Charles Keller Beekman Professor of Law, Columbia University), http://www.law.columbia.edu/fac/Richard_Brooks


This talk explores the ways in which law regulates behavior by influencing how we address one another. This simple, often mundane, act of civility, deference, insolence or contempt is an essential aspect of social order. Titles and forms of address are common in cultures throughout the world. There is a reason for this. They are elemental features of society. Titles and address coordinate behavior from the ground up, subtly yet forcefully guiding individuals through everyday encounters. Recognizing the prevalence and salience of this guidance, particularly in the context of authority, legal and political actors have and continue to exploit titles and address for various ends. I discuss the failure of contemporary human rights law to appreciate the effects of address in coordinated acts of violence.

Ce séminaire tiendra lieu de séance supplémentaire, et de clôture, du Séminaire Systèmes complexes en sciences sociales du CAMS.
  • le vendredi 12 juillet 2013  de 15h  à 16h30
  • Jean-Pierre Nadal (jpnadal@ehess.fr)
    CAMS, EHESS, 190-198 av de France 75013 Paris

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