Becoming richer or poorer through debt. Private credit and social ch ange in the countryside

Girona(Spain)  -  Facultat de Lletres de la UdG (Pl. Ferrater Mora, 1)  -  17071 Girona

Colloque organisé par l'International Scientific Coordination Network (GDRI) “Crises and Changes in the European Countryside in the long run” (CRICEC). Organisateurs : Gérard Béaur, Rosa Congost et Pere Orti

Many historical researches display a society with plenty of debtors, amongst whom people from all social conditions are found. From this follows that debtors were not necessarily rich or necessarily poor people. However, to which extent can credit have influenced specific enrichment or impoverishment processes, processes that in the long term established social differentiations which shaped the specific historical evolution of each society? This seminar aspires to put researches on various times and countries on the role played by credit in the rural world in common.

  • du jeudi 27 septembre 2012 à 16h au  samedi 29 septembre 2012 à 14h
  • Gérard Béaur (
    190 Avenue de France
    75 013 Paris

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