Michelangelo Soundscapes

INHA  -  6 rue des Petits Champs  -  75002 Paris

"Michelangelo Soundscapes", par Peter Gillgren

Professeur d'histoire de l'art à l'Université de Stockholm, Peter Gillgren interviendra dans le séminaire de Giovanni Careri mardi 22 mai à 9h-11h salle Fabri à l'Institut Nationale d'Histoire de l'art (INHA) 6 rue des Petits Champs.

Michelangelo’s art is rich with multimedia content and references. Several of his works in painting and sculpture were conceived in close relation to the lightning effects, the music and general scenography of multimedia spectacles such as ceremonies and rituals. Considered as soundscapes – rather than texts – Michelangelo’s works represent a dynamic and impressive range of voices, pitches and spectacular soundings.
  • le mardi 22 mai 2012  de 9h  à 11h
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