Mapping Mass Dictatorship: Park Chòng Hee's Development Dictatorship Revisited

Maison de l'Asie - Grand salon (1er étage)  -  22, avenue du Président Wilson  -  75116 Paris
Lim Jie-Hyun, Hanyang University, professeur invité à l'EHESS, donnera une conférence au Centre de recherches sur la Corée.

This lectures begins with a simple question: what is the difference between pre-modern despotism and modern dictatorship? My tentative answer is that despotism does not need massive backing from below, but modern dictatorship presupposes mass support. The term 'mass dictatorship' implies the attempted mobilisation of the masses by dictatorships, and that these frequently secured voluntary mass participation and support. Once masses had appeared on the historical scene, voices of ordinary people could no longer be silenced or disregarded by any regime, whether democratic or dictatorial. Rather, the socio-political engineering of the modern state system demanded the recruitment and mobilisation of the masses for the nation-state project, and indeed commanded their enthusiasm and voluntary participation. Two World War experiences demonstrated the vital importance to the total war system of the voluntary mobilisation and participation of the masses. That helps explain why a modern state system whose defining features included 'universal suffrage/plebiscite as a popular endorsement', 'compulsory education/nationalisation of the masses', 'universal conscription/national appellation', and 'social welfare/social bribery', was adpoted not only by democracies but also by dictatorships. Mass dictatorship is dictatorship appropriating modern statecraft and egalitarian ideology, and thus its study needs to be situated in a broader transnational context of political modernity understood in relation to territoriality, sovereignty, population and so on. It is at this moment that 'dictatorship from above' transforms itself into 'dictatorship from below'. This lecture will explore Park Chòng Hee's developmental dictatorship in the context of 'mass dictatorship'.
  • le vendredi 21 janvier 2011  de 14h  à 16h

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