Thèse soutenue par Benjamin Buclet
Préparée sous la direction de Afrânio Garcia
Président du jury : Mme Rose-Marie Lagrave, Directrice d'études à l'EHESS
Jury : M. Jean-Claude Combessie, Professeur à l'université Paris-VIII
M. Yves Dezalay, Directeur de recherche au CNRS
M. Philippe Léna, Directeur de recherche à l'Institut de recherche pour le développement
Spécialité : Socio-économie du développement
The international solidarity market : non-governmental organizations in Brazilian Amazonia
In the Brazilian Amazonia, NGOs (non-governmental organizations) epitomize the social dynamics that characterize the region. They offer a forum for the expression of strong local identities, they are mediators between the population and public authorities and they are the local embodiment of socio-ecological international concerns. However, although NGOs propose an alternative model of development and their projects may plant the seeds of innovative forms of social management, they are embedded in a social system that is imbued with traditional forms of domination.
The growth of the "third sector", encouraged by government and market forces alike, evokes the question of NGOs, legitimacy, which in the absence of true democratic representation, is essentially based on their capacity to mobilize certain social groups and negotiate with public authorities.
Based on the observation of the modus operandi and field activities of NGOs in eastern Brazilian Amazonia, this thesis analyzes how their existence influences the handling of current social issues.