Urban social dynamics: inequalities, segregation and criminality

EHESS, Paris  -  54 bd Raspail & 105 bd Raspail  -  75006 Paris
This 2-days workshop brings together researchers from different backgrounds on topics of major interest for the analysis and understanding of urban economics and social dynamics. The focus will be mainly on social inequalities and social segregation (first day), and on criminality (second day). Empirical as well as theoretical approaches will be presented. Methodological aspects will also be discussed.
Far from trying to cover all possible aspects in these domains, it is designed as an informal workshop meant to stimulate interactions between different disciplines. The topics to be discussed touch upon sensitive issues. They include the role of individual preferences and economic factors in the development or disappearance of social mix, or the interplay between immigration, poverty, unemployment and criminality. The perspective is also of gaining insight with the aim of guiding policy decisions.

Speakers: Henri Berestycki (EHESS, Paris), Henk Elffers (VU University Amsterdam), Mirta B. Gordon (IMAG, Grenoble), Pablo Jensen (ENS Lyon), Alan Kirman (EHESS, Marseille),  Francis Kramarz (CREST-INSEE, Paris), Nicola Lettieri (University of Sannio), Ashley Pitcher (CAMS, Paris), Sebastian Roché (PACTE, Grenoble), Christophe Sibertin-Blanc (IRIT, Toulouse), Michèle Tribalat (INED, Paris), Andromachi Tseloni (Nottingham Trent University), Annick Vignes (ERMES, Paris 2).

Event organized by the Centre d’Analyse et de Mathématique Sociales (CAMS) within the framework of the “Plan Pluri-Formations Systèmes complexes en sciences sociales” (PPF grant from the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research), and of the project “Urban Collective Dynamics: Individual and Spatial Heterogeneities” (project DyXi supported by the Program SYSCOMM of the French National Research Agency, the ANR). Official languages: French and English. No registration required.
Organization: Henri Berestycki and Jean-Pierre Nadal.

Detailed program on the CAMS website (see below).

  • du lundi 15 novembre 2010 à 10h au  mardi 16 novembre 2010 à 17h30
  • Jean-Pierre Nadal (jpnadal@ehess.fr)
    54 bd Raspail
    75270 Paris Cedex 06

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