Chinese Linguistics in Leipzig / 漢語語言學在萊比錫

Le 2e volume de *CLE*, la nouvelle série de la collection des *Cahiers de Linguistique-Asie Orientale *éditée par le CRLAO vient de paraître.

This volume contains a selection of the papers that were presented at the 5th bi-annual meeting of the European Association of Chinese Linguistics which was held at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, Germany, 4-7 September 2007. The papers in this volume cover a broad array of subjects in Chinese linguistics and as broad an array of approaches to the study of Chinese languages. From medieval Japanese Buddhist theories on Chinese tone and the rise in utterance-final edge tones in Mandarin to a generative approach to lián…dōu and a glottochronological approach to the split between the Beijing and Sichuan dialects — and almost everything in between.

本論文集收錄了在第五屆歐洲漢語語言學學會雙年會上發表的部分會議論文。該會議於2007年9月4日至7日在德國萊比錫(Leipzig)的馬克斯-普朗克協會進化人類學研究所(Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary
Anthropology)舉行。本集中的文章涵蓋了有關漢語語言學研究的一系列課題及理論研究方法。從中世紀日語佛教中漢字音調的演變理論,到漢語句末音調的興起,到對“連…都”的生成語法解釋,到北京話和四川話的分化的詞源統計分析, 以及中間其他系列問題等。

ISSN 1246-7367
ISBN 2-910216-09-8

Price : 25 euros / $ 30

  • le vendredi 21 novembre 2008

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