Which farm workers are we talking about? Social differentiation processes in European rural history

Université de Girona
An international scientific coordination network (GDRI) “CRIses and Changes in the European Countryside in the long run” (CRICEC).

The definition and classification of social groups has frequently been confused with the definition of specific social structures.Perhaps that is why defining and classifying social groups has not always facilitated the analysis of the role that social dynamics,determined by those social groups, might have had in the structural changes of a society. The works presented in this seminar propose ways of defining and classifying social groups that allow the social dynamics behind some structural changes to be studied. In particular, to facilitate the comparison between different historical societies, social groups will be defined in relation to property rights. Special attention will also be paid to the groups of seasonal farm workers and the processes of impoverishment and enrichment, with the understanding that these processes may be fundamental to studying differentiation processes within the same social group and the processes of emergence or decline among middle class social groups.


June 27th - Session 1 Problem of definition and classification of social groups. A Dynamic study of social structures

  • 16:00 - Gerard Béaur (CNRS, EHESS, CRH, GDRI CRICEC), Measuring thechanges in the social structurethrough the marriage contracts. The countryside of Chartres, 1731-1790.
  • 16:30 - Rosa Congost, Rosa Ros, Enric Saguer (Girona, UdG), Podem parlar de canvi social en una societat d’antic règim?L’exemple de la regió de Girona.
  • 17:00 - Debate
  • 17:30 - Coffee
  • 18:00 - Ronan Tallec (Université Paris- Sorbonne), Cartographier la société : les structures sociales à Montesquieu-Volvestre à travers les rôles fiscaux de l’époque moderne.
  • 18:30 - Fabrice Boudjaaba (CNRS-CRH), La propriété, un outil efficace pour définir et classer les groupes sociaux?
  • 19:00 - Debate

June 28th - Session 2 : social groups and land property

  • 10:00 - Round table. Chair: Rui Santos (University of Nova de Lisboa), with Niccolo Mignemi (CRH-EHESS): Sícilia; Gabriel Jover (UdG): Mallorca; Antonio López Estudillo (UdG): Andalusia; Rosa Congost (UdG): Catalunya; PabloLuna (Paris-Sorbonne): Asturias.

Session 3 : Which laborers are we talking about?

  • 16:00 - Julie Marfany (Universitat d’Oxford), Quieren els pobres a la societat rural? El grau i la tipologia de la pobresa a la Catalunyarural del segle XVIII.
  • 16:30 - Albert Serramontmany (UdG), Quines donesfilaven? Aproximació a l’estudi del treball femení en una àrea deprotoindustrialització. El cas de Besalú.
  • 17:00 - Debate
  • 17:30 - Prize of Rural History (Masters)
  • 17.45 - Coffee
  • 18:15 - Gabriel Jover (UdG) , Treball assalariat i ingressos camperols a la zona oleícola de l’Illa de Mallorca, 1650-1700.
  • 18:45 - Antonio López Estudillo (UdG), El trabajo agrario en la campiña de Córdoba. Grado de proletarización, categorías laborales
  • 19:15 - Debate

June 29th - Session 4:  The processes of impoverishment and Enrichment and  the processes ofemergence or decline among middle class social groups

  • 9:00 - Rosa Lluch (Barcelona), Remences rics i remences pobres. Ladiferenciació social pagesa a la Catalunya baix-medieval.
  • 9:30 - Josep Colls i Pere Gifre (UdG), Un procés de diferenciació singular? El sorgiment dels masovers i dels pagesos rendistes a laCatalunya moderna.
  • 10:00 - Debate

Organized by Centre de Recerca d’Història Rural (UdG) and GDRI CRICEC (CRH-EHESS)

Organising Scientific Committee
  • Rosa Congost (UdG),
  • Enric Saguer (UdG),
    Gerard Béaur (CNRS, EHESS),
  • Rui Santos (U. Nova de Lisboa).
Coordination Rosa Congost Colomer
  • du jeudi 27 juin 2013 au  samedi 29 juin 2013
  • Boudjaaba

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